住宅類別 - 網上能源消耗基準工具 /* Disabled btn look */ .block_submit input[disabled], .block_submit input[disabled="disabled"]{ background-color: #c0c0c0; } .warning_error_total, .warning_error_total7, .warning_error_total8 { font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; color: #FF0000; } .warning_error_total_bk { font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; color: #000000; } .oneTbl {background-color:#00B0F0; color:#FFFFFF;} #secondTable tr > td:nth-child(12)+ td { color: #077985; text-decoration: underline;} select { width: 180px !important; } .block label { font-size: 1.2em; } 請選擇您的居住場所之主組別: var editor_1; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples var table_1; var table_2; var table_3; jQuery(document).ready(function () { //jQuery("#block1").css("visibility","visible"); editor_1 = new jQuery.fn.dataTable.Editor({ ajax: "/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec.php", table: "#firstTable", fields: [{ label: "PID:", name: "gp_parent_id" }, { label: "group_code:", name: "group_code" }, { label: "Name (EN):", name: "name_hk" } ] }); // Apply the search var seBxKey = "" var table_1 = jQuery('#firstTable').DataTable({ dom: "t", "table": "#firstTable", ajax: { url: "/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec.php", type: "POST" }, "order": [[2, 'ASC']], "responsive": true, "searchHighlight": true, "saveStatus": true, "search": { "search": "" }, "serverSide": true, "processing": true, "select": true, columns: [ {data: "ecib_bm_group.id"}, {data: "ecib_bm_group.group_code"}, {data: "ecib_bm_group.name_hk"} ], select: true, buttons: [] }); jQuery("#firstTable tbody").on("click", 'td', function () { // jQuery("#block1").css("visibility","hidden"); jQuery("#block2").css("visibility", "visible"); jQuery("#firstForm").css("visibility", "hidden"); // jQuery(".display").css("display","none"); // table data to form input from object var data = table_1.row(jQuery(this).closest('tr')).data(); var pid = data.ecib_bm_group.id; var ppid = data.ecib_bm_group.gp_parent_id; table_2.ajax.url('/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec2.php?pid=' + pid).load(); table_2.draw(); if (ppid != 3) { jQuery("#block2").css("visibility", "hidden"); // (1) alert('no pid'); } }); var table_2 = jQuery('#secondTable').DataTable({ dom: "t", "table": "#secondTable", "ajax": { url: '/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec2.php', type: 'POST'}, "order": [[1, 'ASC']], "responsive": true, "searchHighlight": true, "saveStatus": true, "search": { "search": "" }, "serverSide": true, "processing": true, "select": true, columns: [ {data: "ecib_bm_group.gp_parent_id"}, {data: "ecib_bm_group.group_code"}, {data: "ecib_bm_group.name_hk"}, {data: "ecib_bm_group.query_ids"} ], select: true, buttons: [] }); jQuery("#secondTable tbody").on("click", 'td', function () { // jQuery("#block1").css("visibility","hidden"); // jQuery("#block2").css("visibility","hidden"); // jQuery(".display").css("display","none"); // jQuery(".display2").css("display","none"); jQuery("#block3").css("visibility", "visible"); jQuery("#firstForm").css("visibility", "visible"); // table data to form input from object var data2 = table_2.row(jQuery(this).closest('tr')).data(); var pid2 = data2.ecib_bm_group.id; var ppid2 = data2.ecib_bm_group.gp_parent_id; //alert(pid2); //var a = $que_records->count(); //var_dump(a) }); }) jQuery("#startBtn").on('click', function () { alert("startBtn press"); }); #cus2 { margin-top:5px; width:160px; height:70px; margin-right:0px; font-weight:normal; vertical-align: top; -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #54a3f7; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #54a3f7; box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #54a3f7; background-color:transparent; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; border-radius:3px; border:1px solid #19a3ff; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer; color:#134dc2; font-family:Arial; font-size:14px; padding:5px 5px; text-decoration:none; /*text-shadow:0px 1px 0px #0f7bff; */ } #cus2:hover, #cus2:focus { color: #134dc2; text-shadow: 1px 2px #FFFFFF; background: rgba(212,228,239,1); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(212,228,239,1) 0%, rgba(134,174,204,1) 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, rgba(212,228,239,1)), color-stop(100%, rgba(134,174,204,1))); 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} .cus1:active { position:relative; top:1px; } */ #levelone {border: 1px solid #61bf76; } #leveltwo {border: 1px solid transparent; margin-right: 4px !important; } .arrowSeperator { display: block; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #ddd; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 30px; } .arrowSeperator:before { content: ""; width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 15px solid transparent; border-right: 15px solid transparent; border-top: 15px solid #ddd; position: absolute; top: 100%; /* left: 20%; right: 20%; */ /* margin: 0 -15px; */ z-index: 1; } var ym_list = null; var ym_first_year = null; var ym_first_month = null; var ym_last_year = null; var ym_last_month = null; jQuery.ajax( { dataType:"json", type:"POST", data:{ ajax_task:'getAllValidYearMonth', }, url:jQuery(location).attr("href") } ).always(function(e){ var re = /(.*)/; var result = re.exec(e.responseText); if( result ){ if( result[1] != "" ){ ym_list = JSON.parse(result[1]); ym_first_year = ym_list.years.replace( /()/, '' ); ym_last_year = ym_list.years.replace( /()(?!.*())/, '' ); ym_first_month = ym_list.months[ym_list.years_name[0]].replace( /()/, '' ); ym_last_month = ym_list.months[ym_list.years_name[ym_list.years_name.length - 1]].replace( /()(?!.*())/, '' ); } } }); jQuery(document).ready(function () { //$.get(URL,callback); var a = jQuery.get("/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec.php", function (data, status) { var strBuilder = []; for (key in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(key)) { strBuilder.push("Key is " + key + ", value is " + a[key] + "\n"); } } // (2) alert(strBuilder.join("")); //alert(a[key]); // display "OK" // (3) alert(data); // Fion add alert here // data = $.parseJSON(data); data = JSON.parse(data); jQuery.each(data, function (i, v) { console.log(i, v); }); jQuery("button").click(function () { // jQuery("#block2").load("/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec.php"); // alert(a); }); }); /*jQuery("#btn5").click(function(){ alert("btn555 clicked...."); if slider : min, mean, max add textField : input_val, xi_value (sec3.php) , cal_value });*/ jQuery(".group_btn_custom").click(function () { var group_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-group-id') console.log("group_id:"+group_id); // (4) alert('Group Id: ' + group_id + ' Clicked'); //hide block 1 Matthew me = jQuery(this)[0]; console.log(me); jQuery("#block1").html(me.outerHTML); jQuery("#arrow1").show(); group_data = jQuery(this).attr('data-all'); //alert(group_data); var block2BtnsHtml = ''; jQuery.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: "GET", data: {'pid': group_id}, url: '/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec2.php', success: function (response) { // (5) alert(JSON.stringify(response.data)); console.log(response.data); if (response.data === undefined || response.data.length == 0) { // (6) alert('Loading Questions on null with : ' + group_id); showBlock3(group_id); } else { jQuery("#arrow3").show(); jQuery("#block4").hide(); jQuery(".block_submit").hide(); response.data.forEach(function (value, key) /* { block2BtnsHtml += '' + value.ecib_bm_group.group_code + '' + value.ecib_bm_group.name_hk + '' + value.ecib_bm_group.id + ' / ' + value.ecib_bm_group.gp_parent_id + ''; } */ { block2BtnsHtml += '' +''+ ''+ value.ecib_bm_group.name_hk + ' (' + value.ecib_bm_group.group_code +') '+ ' '; } ); jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: jQuery( "#arrow1" ).offset().top-100 }, 500); } jQuery('#block2Btns').html(block2BtnsHtml); if (response.data == '') { jQuery('#block3').css('visibility', 'visible'); } } }); }); }); //end function showBlock3(_pid) { //hide block 2 Matthew try{ me = jQuery("button[data-pid=" + _pid + "]")[0]; console.log(me); jQuery("#block2").html(me.outerHTML); jQuery("#arrow2").show(); } catch (e) {} jQuery("#block4").show(); jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: jQuery( "#qTitle" ).offset().top }, 500); jQuery(".block_submit").show(); var cal_title = ""; if( jQuery("[data-group-id="+_pid+"]").length > 0 ){ cal_title = '能源消耗基準 ' + jQuery("[data-group-id="+_pid+"] span").html().trim().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r||)/gm, "").replace(/\s\s+/g," "); }else if( jQuery("[data-pid="+_pid+"]").length > 0 ){ cal_title = '能源消耗基準 ' + jQuery("[data-pid="+_pid+"] span").html().trim().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r||)/gm, "").replace(/\s\s+/g," "); } // (8) alert('Clicked with : ' + _pid); console.log("_pid:"+_pid); jQuery('#block3').css('visibility', 'visible'); jQuery.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: "GET", data: {'pid': _pid}, url: '/modules/mod_aa_sector_one_hk/php/sec3.php', success: function (response) { var is_xi_flag0 = is_xi_flag1 = is_xi_flag2 = is_xi_flag27 = is_xi_flag28 = is_xi_flag3 = is_xi_flag4 = is_xi_flag5 = ''; // (9) alert(JSON.stringify(response.data)); console.log(response.data); var question_counter = 1; response.data.forEach(function (value, key) { var _value = value; var _html = ''; /* Fion */ var question_no = false; if( _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.xi_id != 156 && _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.xi_id != 57 && _value.ecib_bm_xi_value.is_child != 1) question_no = true; if (_value.ecib_bm_xi_value.is_xi_flag == 0) { _html += ' '; // _html += ''; // comment this line to show Intercept _html += ''; // comment this line to hide Intercept _html += ''; // comment this line to hide Intercept at sector three _html += ''; // comment this line to hide Intercept _html += ''; // comment this line to hide Intercept at sector two _html += ''; // comment this line to hide Intercept _html += ''; // comment this line to hide Intercept at sector one _html += ' ' + _value.ecib_bm_xi_value.que_hk + ''; //if is_parent == 1, skip the input box, leave just the label if( _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.is_parent != 1 ){ _html += ''; _html += ' '; _html += ''; _html += ' '; var onkeyup_string = ""; var preCalVal = _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.input_val * _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.xi_value; _html += ' ' + _value.ecib_bm_xi_value.unit_hk + ' '; _html += ' '; _html += ' '; _html += ''; _html += ''; _html += ''; _html += 'jQuery(function ()'; _html += '{'; _html += 'jQuery("#slider-range-min' + _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.xi_id + '").slider({'; _html += 'range: "min",'; _html += 'value: ' + _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.input_val + ','; _html += 'min: ' + _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.min + ','; _html += 'max: ' + _value.ecib_bm_group_xi.max + ','; _html += 'step: ' + ( parseInt(_value.ecib_bm_group_xi.step) 0 ){ // var sum = 0; 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Math.log( input_val ) : input_val ); jQuery( '#tran_val' + xiid ).val( tranVal ); var floatCalVal = tranVal * xi_val; var stringCalVal = floatCalVal.toString(); var fixedCalPattern = /(-*\d+\.\d*[^0])000[0]*[1-9]$/; var matches = stringCalVal.match(fixedCalPattern); if( matches ){ if( matches[1] ){ floatCalVal = matches[1]; } } if( !from_slider ){ jQuery("#slider-range-min" + xiid).slider("value",input_val); } jQuery( '#cal_val' + xiid ).val( floatCalVal ); check_box_valid( xiid, min, max ); // wrong by if( is_xi_flag == 2 && is_end == 1 ) if( is_xi_flag == 2){ ck_hundred_total(); } else { ck_hundred_total7(); } if( is_xi_flag == 7){ ck_hundred_total7(); } else { ck_hundred_total8(); } if( is_xi_flag == 8){ ck_hundred_total8(); } else { ck_hundred_total(); } } function formatNumber(num) { return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') } function check_box_valid( xi_id, min_val, max_val ){ if( !min_val ){ min_val = 0; } if( !max_val ){ max_val = 100; } if( xi_id == 1 ) return; var input_val = jQuery("#input_val"+xi_id).val(); // warning msg for inputting non-numeric character e.g. alphabetic character if( isNaN( input_val ) ){ jQuery("#warning_box"+xi_id).html('請輸入數字'); jQuery("#warning_box"+xi_id).show(); jQuery("#input_val"+xi_id).attr('valid', 0); ck_can_submit(); return; } if( min_val !== false || max_val !== false ){ // warning msg for input value exceeds the given range if( input_val < min_val || input_val > max_val ){ jQuery("#warning_box"+xi_id).html('可接受的輸入範圍為 ' + min_val + ' 至 ' + formatNumber(max_val) + ''); jQuery("#warning_box"+xi_id).show(); jQuery("#input_val"+xi_id).attr('valid', 0); ck_can_submit(); return; } } jQuery("#warning_box"+xi_id).hide(); jQuery("#input_val"+xi_id).attr('valid', 1); ck_can_submit(); } function ck_can_submit(){ var can_submit = true; jQuery("input[valid]").each( function(i, val){ if( jQuery(val).attr("valid") != 1 ){ can_submit = false; return false; } }); if( jQuery('wXiFlagTwo').length > 0 ){ if( jQuery('.warning_error').html() != '' ){ can_submit = false; } } if( jQuery('wXiFlagTwoSteven').length > 0 ){ if( jQuery('.warning_error7').html() != '' ){ can_submit = false; } } if( jQuery('wXiFlagTwoEight').length > 0 ){ if( jQuery('.warning_error8').html() != '' ){ can_submit = false; } } if( jQuery("#agree").is(":not(:checked)") ){ can_submit = false; } jQuery(".radio_btn_block[valid]").each( function(i, val){ if( jQuery(val).attr("valid") != 1 ){ can_submit = false; return false; }else{ jQuery("#arrow4").hide(); jQuery("#arrow5").hide(); } }); if( can_submit ){ jQuery('#createRpt').removeAttr("disabled"); }else{ jQuery("#createRpt").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } // console.log("checked ck submit"); } function ck_hundred_total(){ if( jQuery('wXiFlagTwo').length > 0 ){ var sum = 0; jQuery('.warning_hundred').each(function () { if (parseFloat(jQuery(this).val().trim().replace(/\s*,\s*|\s+,/g, '')) != 0) { sum = sum + parseFloat(jQuery(this).val().trim().replace(/\s*,\s*|\s+,/g, '')); } }); if (isNaN(sum) == false) { jQuery('.warning_error_total').html('合共 ' + sum.toFixed(2) + '%'); } else { jQuery('.warning_error_total').html('合共 0.00%'); } if (sum < 100 || sum > 100) { jQuery('.warning_error').html('(以上輸入的百分比總和應為 100%。)'); } else { jQuery('.warning_error').html(''); } ck_can_submit(); } } function ck_hundred_total7(){ if( jQuery('wXiFlagTwoSteven').length > 0 ){ var sum = 0; jQuery('.warning_hundred7').each(function () { if (parseFloat(jQuery(this).val().trim().replace(/\s*,\s*|\s+,/g, '')) != 0) { sum = sum + parseFloat(jQuery(this).val().trim().replace(/\s*,\s*|\s+,/g, '')); } }); if (isNaN(sum) == false) { jQuery('.warning_error_total7').html('合共 ' + sum.toFixed(2) + '%'); } else { jQuery('.warning_error_total7').html('合共 0.00%'); } if (sum < 100 || sum > 100) { jQuery('.warning_error7').html('(以上輸入的百分比總和應為 100%。)'); } else { jQuery('.warning_error7').html(''); } ck_can_submit(); } } function ck_hundred_total8(){ if( jQuery('wXiFlagTwoEight').length > 0 ){ var sum = 0; jQuery('.warning_hundred8').each(function () { if (parseFloat(jQuery(this).val().trim().replace(/\s*,\s*|\s+,/g, '')) != 0) { sum = sum + parseFloat(jQuery(this).val().trim().replace(/\s*,\s*|\s+,/g, '')); } }); if (isNaN(sum) == false) { jQuery('.warning_error_total8').html('合共 ' + sum.toFixed(2) + '%'); } else { jQuery('.warning_error_total8').html('合共 0.00%'); } if (sum < 100 || sum > 100) { jQuery('.warning_error8').html('(以上輸入的百分比總和應為 100%。)'); } else { jQuery('.warning_error8').html(''); } ck_can_submit(); } } function date_ajax_call( stMon, ltMon, xi_id ){ // var stMon = jQuery('#startMonth'+xi_id).val(); // var ltMon = jQuery('#lastMonth'+xi_id).val(); if( stMon && ltMon ){ jQuery.ajax( { dataType:"json", type:"POST", data:{ ajax_task:'getMthAvg', startMonth: stMon, lastMonth: ltMon }, url:jQuery(location).attr("href") } ).always(function(e){ var re = /(.*)/; var result = re.exec(e.responseText); if( result ){ if( result[1] != "" ){ var avg_temp_obj = JSON.parse(result[1]); var avg_temp = avg_temp_obj[0].avgTemp !== null ? parseFloat(avg_temp_obj[0].avgTemp) : 0; // add condition to ln avg_temp base on xi_id // e.g // if( xi_id == 12 ){ avg_temp = Math.log( avg_temp ); } jQuery('#input_val'+xi_id).val( avg_temp ); jQuery('#cal_val'+xi_id).val( avg_temp * parseFloat( jQuery('#xi_value'+xi_id).val() ) ); jQuery('#tran_val'+xi_id).val( avg_temp ); jQuery('#remark'+xi_id).val( 'Between ' + stMon + ' to ' + ltMon ); } } }); } } function genDummyDatePickList(){ } 公營房屋 - 出租公屋單位 (R1) 私人房屋 (R2) 房屋委員會資助的出售單位 (R3) 請選擇您的居住場所之次組別: 重 置 #demo-frame > div.demo { padding: 10px !important; }; .ui-datepicker-calendar { display: none; } 我已閱讀免責聲明並接受條款。 免責聲明 - 資料的收集 經本線上基準評核工具所輸入的用戶數據,僅用作個別用戶基準評核分析。我們致力持續監察和改善線上基準評核工具,網站將自動存儲用戶輸入的數據、基準評核結果。 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府(下稱"政府") 或會記錄本網站的到訪人數及使用情況,但不會收集個人資料。 政府所收集有關本網站瀏覽的資料,將會用作改善網站、編製統計報告及分析電腦系統問題。政府不會將存儲的數據轉移至任何外部人士。